Lutein PLUS - "Health" Pharmacy Poznan

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Lutein Plus Zeaxanthin
Lutein PLUS
Bosbessenextract voor ondersteuning van de ooggezondheid 1
60 capsules
Neem 2x1 capsules per dag met water in na de maaltijd.
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Quantity in stock: 8
Lutein Plus Zeaxanthin
food supplement

Bosbessenextract voor ondersteuning van de ooggezondheid 1

Lutein PlusZeaxanthinbevatbosbessenextract1envitamine A*diehelpen
de gezondheid van het oog1en een normaal gezichtsvermogen te behouden*.

Bevatvitamine Awat bijdraagttothetinstandhoudenvan eennormaal
gezichtsvermogenenbosbessenextractwathelpt de gezondheid van het oog te
behouden door middel van antioxiderendeinvloed1. Bevat antioxidant vitamine
C watbijdraagtaan de bescherming van cellen tegen oxidatieve schade.
Bosbessenbevattenflavonoïden anthocyanosiden.Lutein Plus

Gezondheidsclaim voor bosbessenextract in afwachting van Europese toelating

KAG-nr: 4340-0822-3347

To whom and when do we recommend

Bevat vitamine Awatbijdraagttotdeinstandhouding van een normaal

Samenstelling in 2capsules (=portie):                 %DRI*
VitamineC        100 mg                                        125

Bosbessenextract(Vaccinium myrtillus 
std.25%anthocyanosides)    50 mg**
Luteïne        12 mg**

Zeaxanthine       1 mg**

VitamineA120  μg RE   15

*DRI= dagelijksereferentie inname**DRI = Percentage van de dagelijkse referentie inname niet vastgeste

natural ingredients to strengthen the eyes

Dietary supplement Lutein Plus is a comprehensive antioxidant formula that supports the proper functioning of the organ of vision. The preparation is recommended for people who feel tired of their eyes working at the computer, spend many hours reading or watching, driving vehicles after dark, staying in smoky rooms, exposed to intense sunlight. The product is also recommended for people who stay in air-conditioned, dry rooms, eat irrational food or the elderly.

Lutein Plus is a modern dietary supplement that, combined with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute to the good condition of our eyes.
One of the active ingredients of the product is lutein, which belongs to the carotenoids. After being absorbed into the body, lutein accumulates in the macula of the eye (the most sensitive part of the retina) and the lens. The retina is an organ that transforms light stimuli into nerve stimuli and transmits them to the visual center of the cerebral cortex. The yellow spot is the most sensitive to color and light. This area of ​​the eye is particularly susceptible to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors, such as UV radiation, or the harmful effects of free radicals, which can damage cells and lead to poor eyesight. Lutein acts as a filter that protects the eye against harmful UV radiation, as well as against free radicals, which plays an important role in maintaining the full efficiency of the eye.
Another important ingredient of the product is zeaxanthin - responsible for proper vision. It is an antioxidant belonging to the carotonoid group.
Lutein Plus also contains bilberry fruit extract - one of the most important plant substances for the eye, whose active ingredients anthocyanosides have a beneficial effect on the proper functioning of the eye and have antioxidant properties, similar to vitamin C.
Vitamin A also affects the proper processes of vision - it is necessary for the formation of rhodopsin (visual purple - photosensitive pigment of the retina).
Lutein Plus contains a set of optimally selected active ingredients: lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins A and C, bilberry fruit extract, which support the proper functioning of the eye organ, protect the eyes from harmful factors, relieve eye fatigue, and improve the vision process.
food supplement Lutein Plus Zeaxanthin

60 capsules

Neem 2x1 capsules per dag met water in na de maaltijd.

Vitamin C 50 mg
Bilberry Fruit extract (std. 25% anthocyanosides) 25 mg
Lutein 6 mg
Zeaxanthin 0.5 mg
Vitamin A (retinol acetate) 0.2 mg

  • With an outstanding professional background, CaliVita has been offering its products satisfying the highest quality regulations for more than 30 years.
  • We always aspire to use natural base materials originating from the best sources.
  • During our developments, we work using better absorption, for example organic, forms.
  • We offer 100% quality guarantee for our products.
  • Our products are subject to a strict and multiple round examination procedure in order to continuously ensure excellent quality.
  • The vast majority of our dietary supplements are produced in pharmaceutical conditions in the USA.
  • The products are manufactured according to the principles of cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice), while continuous control and regularly scheduled audits by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are also performed. We work in close cooperation with the local licensing authorities in order to ensure that our consumers are always provided products of the highest quality.
Keep out of reach of young children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied, healthy diet
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