Guides - "Health" Pharmacy Poznan

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Health guides
In this section we present health guides, which you can obtain by visiting our pharmacy or by buying certain products. Wherever possible, we include in this section electronic versions of them that they are accessible to all interested. Guides are available in the Polish version.

Informator dla Diabetyka

"INFORMATION FOR DIABETIC, which is what you need to know about diabetes when you are sick or one of your closest" is a quarterly magazine for people with diabetes.

You will receive a current copy of the guide by visiting our pharmacy.

Here you will find back issues of the handbook for the diabetic.

Jak dbać o serce w rytmie cha-cha

How to care for the heart to the rhythm of the cha-cha recommends a dietary supplement, Novocardia - our friend from the heart.

Buying Novocardia - dietary supplement ask for professionally designed guide, which you will learn from why high cholesterol is a scourge of our times? And what can you do to help the heart to a healthy working? Subsequent chapters are:

  • What threatens the heart?

  • Health

  • Nutrition

  • Obesity

  • Do I have the appropriate level of cholesterol?

  • Do not underestimate the cholesterol!

  • Proper nutrition

  • Lifestyle, exercise

  • Supplementation: support your body.

PALMING Nowe spojrzenie na widzenie

In 1920 appeared the work of Dr. Bates, "The Cure of Imperfect Sight Without Glasses by Treatmant." The author, relying on his knowledge of vision and experience of medical practice, put forward the thesis that for hyperopia and short-sightedness is responsible not only lens in the eye, but the whole mechanism of the eye. An extension of the theory, which would make the appropriate eye muscle exercises can greatly improve vision and help maintain good eyesight for many years without using glasses.

Palming guide is a collection of basic exercises that improve the health of our eyes and vision. A printed version of the guide ask when buying from our pharmacy Maxivision Total - a dietary supplement with a double dose of lutein.

Poradnik intymny

By purchasing in our pharmacy LaciBios femina about Intimate Guide developed by experts from the Department of Science and Research Company ASA, touching intimate health problems of women. He realizes ladies, how many situations in life has an impact on the physiological, the proper functioning of the genitourinary system and the microflora and pH of the vagina. In each of these situations should ensure intimate health, which is the basis for the health of every woman.

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